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jeudi 28 janvier 2016

charleston angel oak


charleston angel oak history

There are three hundred years, the United States did not yet exist. The cars did not exist, neither phones nor computers or even airplanes.
 American Indians still accounted for the vast majority of the population in what is now modern America.
There are five hundred years Henry finds himself at the head of England. The dazzling paintings of the Sistine Chapel were shown to the public for the first time. Florida had been discovered and the first Europeans discovered the Pacific Ocean.

There are fifteen hundred years Columbus had not anchored, the world still thought the earth was flat, the Vikings had just conquered what was to become Europe and at some point during this long period between the year 300 and 1'an 1500, a little acorn fell from a tree to come to rest on a generous and rich land in the middle of South Carolina, in the city of Charleston.

With rainwater, so unpolluted, that little acorn has taken root in a forest where magnificent oaks rose slowly over the years, among other trees of the same species (Quercus virginiana).

This little gland has grown since and has grown into a beautiful tree, known as the Angel Tree name and considered "one of the oldest things in life on the East Coast of Mississippi." His exact age is unknown. In fact, a sample from such a tree, would expose him to the risk of excessive contamination.

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