Breaking News
jeudi 28 janvier 2016



Chickweed benefits

Chickweed (Stellaria media) is an annual plant ground cover part of the family Caryophyllaceae. It owes its common name to the fact that the seeds are very appreciated by the birds. It is found in all parts of the globe to an altitude of 2000 meters. This weed loves balanced land but it grows on all types of cultivated land, fallow, on roadsides, in our gardens and in fields.

Stellaria media is a small ground cover plant and highly branched than 15 cm high, with spreading forming bright green tablecloths. The soft stems erect or creeping wear a row of bristles. The bright green succulent leaves aspect, are oval and acuminate. The lower leaves are long-stalked. The flowers resemble small daisies with petals deeply indented.

The seeds are contained in an ovoid capsule slightly ahead of the calyx.

Growing conditions

Chickweed is found throughout France and in Corsica. it enjoys all types of soil but prefers a well-balanced land or rather rich. It tolerates limestone and sandy soils. A location in full sun or partial shade is perfect to him by region. This plant can be grown in the garden because it is edible and very rich in vitamin C. It will be consumed in soups or salads.

In the garden it is an ideal ground cover in winter and waste produce good compost.

Multiplication chickweed

Chickweed is resème naturally.

Bio-indicator plant

 Chickweed benefits

Chickweed is considered a weed in the United States, although it may be a boon for people suffering from gout. Stem trails on the ground and is clear and slightly inflated green at the joints.

 It has small petioles attached to the rod and the result looks like a white capsule. The flowers are small and white with five petals. Chickweed begins flowering in March and will continue in the fall.
The chickweed recipe birds for gout

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